This WebApp works best with IOS. Data from Johns Hopkins University data files, that are updated each morning.
X Trend (Extrapolated Trend Line): Is an estimated rise or fall of the curve based off the previous day.
X Growth (Exponential Growth Line): Is an estimate of how many days it will take to double the confirmed cases, based off the previous day.
Death Rates: Are a lagging indicator usally from 6 days previous.
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Blah Blah Blah, Wep App I built being stuck inside made me productive.
Data is updated each morning for the previous day by John Hopkins University.
Key: will append the confirmed cases of that region to the exsisting chart shown.
CDC = Current Day Confirmed
PDC = Previous Day Confirmed
PDG = Previous Day Growth(percentage#)
X Trend: PDC + (PDC * (PDG * .01))
X Growth: 70 / ((CDC - PDC) / PDC)*100)
Notes: A rising X Growth will show a slowing of the curve (good). The X Trend is an indicator that the curve is above or below the last days precentage.